The Vintage has been rescheduled to October 22-25

EDIT:: Please see the post above for new updates about venue changes.

New updates below. This is from Scott’s Facebook post. Join our Facebook group for additional updates. Check out the Find us on Facebook link here or to the right ——>

Guten Tag Y’all,Well, all this Corona stuff has forced me to reschedule The Vintage 2020. OK, that’s all for the bad news, now the good news.New dates are: October 22-25, 2020. It doesn’t get any better than Fall in the Appalachian mountains. In fact “leaf-lookers” flock to the area each Autumn to take in the beautiful weather and fall color. EDIT:: Venue information in updated post above.
Stay tuned for more updates. -Scott Sturdy – festmeister

Thank you!

Thanks for making The Vintage 2019 a huge success! It was great to see our Vintage family again. Please enjoy this video by Erick Orlando and Motorventures that really captures what Vintage is all about. Get out there and drive!

5ers are IT!

2019 will be the year of 5er celebration at The Vintage! E12s, E28s and E34s will be parked together in the grove area on the west side of the event venue. We’ll have more 5er related news as the event dates draw nearer. We had lots of great feedback from the last couple years when we focused on specific models (E3s in 2017, 2002s in 2018) and had them parked together. This year we’ll focus on Fives so bring ’em out!

Dates for The Vintage 2019 are set

The Vintage 2019 will be happening on May 16th – 19th.  Hot Springs will again host us on Saturday and the Clarion Inn Asheville Airport in Fletcher will again be the main event hotel.  We’re still working out details for the event schedule and registration will open in early 2019.

2018 is SOLD OUT!

We are full up, out of tickets and over the moon about being SOLD OUT!  You guys rock!  Thanks for your enthusiasm and for selling out The Vintage for 2018!

If you would like to get on the waiting list, please visit the Registration page, follow the link to Motorsport reg and sign up.  You will be automatically waitlisted and notified if a spot opens up.  If you just want to spectate and not show a car on the field YOU DO NOT NEED TO REGISTER.  Spectators are free and can just show up to the event (you just have to park outside of the event field.)

See you in Asheville!

Tickets to THE ICON available now

Get your tickets to the opening event for THE ICON:  50 Years of the 2002 being held at the BMW CCA Foundation on Friday, May 18th.  Click the image below to get started.  Tickets will go fast so get yours now!

Another one for the history books

The Vintage 2017 was amazing!  Thank you to everyone who made the trek to Hot Springs to make this year the biggest Vintage yet.  There are lots of photos being shared over on our Facebook page but do yourself a favor and check out Reggie’s drone footage.  It really captures how massive this show was and how lucky we were to have such a beautiful setting and perfect weather.  Thanks Reggie! (Plug for Reggie’s Motorworks…visit their site to see what a true enthusiast’s  service shop is like.)